Who we are

Photo Credit: Roberk Brooks

Over 100 years of celebrating literature and protecting freedom of expression

PEN International was founded in London, UK, in 1921, simply as PEN. Today it operates across five continents in over 90 countries, with 130 Centres supporting unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations.

Photo: Roberk Brooks

Literature knows no frontiers…

PEN International is guided by the ideals of the PEN Charter, which expresses every member’s commitment to protecting the free exchange of ideas, and promoting the value of literature.


The board of PEN International is elected by PEN Centres. Board members come from across the globe and share a belief that our organisation can make a vital contribution to literature and freedom of expression. They are responsible for the governance and strategic direction of PEN.

  • Burhan Sonmez

    International President

    Burhan Sonmez is an award winning Kurdish novelist and lawyer from Turkey. He was re-elected President of PEN International on the 27th of September 2024, during PEN International’s Annual Congress.

  • Arne Svingen

    International Secretary

    Arne Svingen is a Norwegian writer and a member of PEN Norway. Known for his extensive work in children's literature. He was elected as International Secretary on the 27th September 2024, during PEN International's Annual Congress.

  • Eric Lax


    Eric Lax has written on a wide range of topics, from movies and their makers to science, the history of medicine, and faith. His books include New York Times and international bestsellers and Notable Books of the Year.

  • Tanja Tuma

    Vice Chair of the Board

    Tanja Tuma, born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is the President of PEN Slovenia and former interim International Secretary of PEN International. She worked in publishing and bookselling for 20 years, partly in her own publishing company, before starting her literary career.

  • Ege Dündar

    Board Member

    The youngest board member ever elected, Ege Dündar is a writer and activist. He founded İlkyaz for young writers, Creative Witnesses, and is reviving the Tomorrow Club for writers under 35. His debut book, All These Things Aren’t Really Lost is now out.

  • Beatrice Lamwaka

    Board Member

    Beatrice Lamwaka writes for Global Press Journal, an international media organization that produces award-winning journalism. She is the President, PEN Uganda and has facilitated creative writing workshops in prisons in Uganda.

  • Elisha July

    Board Member

    Elisha July is current PEN Zimbabwe President , an administrator by profession. He has written 12 books to date on Accounting, Commerce, Entrepreneurship and Children's books. He has several local literature awards. He has been instrumental in running several Civil Society Projects in Zimbabwe.

  • Gabriel Seisdedos

    Board Member

    Gabriel Seisdedos was elected Board Member of PEN International during the 87th PEN International Congress. Born in Buenos Aires in 1963, he is a translator and writer. His latest book, La responsabilidad de la palabra. Nacimiento y apogeo, is coming soon.

  • Salil Tripathi

    Board Member

    Salil Tripathi was the Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International, 2015-2021. Salil is an award-winning journalist and writer. He has been a foreign correspondent in Singapore and Hong Kong and now lives in New York.

  • Kim Echlin

    Board Member

    Kim Echlin is an award winning novelist and essayist from Canada. Her fiction has been translated into 20 languages and her writing engages with themes of human rights, international
    law and language. She is a long time educator and mentor.

Vice Presidents

Svetlana Alexievich
Margaret Atwood
Niels E. Barford
Terry Carlbom
J. M. Coetzee
Sook-Hee Chun
Lucina Kathmann
Kata Kulavkova
Eric Lax

Boris A. Novak
William Nygaard
Vida Ognjenovic
Orhan Pamuk
Elena Poniatowska
Nayantara Sahgal
Michael Scammell
Eugene Schoulgin

Presidents Emeritus

Homero Aridjis, Jennifer Clement, Mario Vargas Llosa, John Ralston Saul, Per Wästberg

Joanne Leedom-Ackermann
Jens Lohmann
Predrag Matvejevic
Perumal Murugan
Elisabeth Nordgren Hori Takeaki
Franca Tiberto
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o Carles Torner

Patrons and partners   

PEN International's commitment to the promotion of literature and fight for freedom of expression would not be possible without our patrons and partners. We are grateful for their solidarity and support.

 Our Staff

Our diverse and dedicated staff co-ordinate PEN International’s work from our headquarters in London, through research, advocacy, campaigns and other activities. Our team works with the board, as well as with 147 PEN Centres, national and regional hubs that carry out our work in over 90 countries.

  • Romana Cacchioli

    Executive Director

  • Emmanuel Asamoah

    Finance, HR and Admin Director and Company Secretary

  • Pavlo Bilyk

    Events & Data Officer

  • Sandra Zabala

    HR Officer

  • Sabrina Bravi

    Congress and Events Officer

  • Aurélia Dondo

    Head of Europe Region

  • Sabrina Tucci

    Communications and Campaigns Manager

  • Sandrine Fameni

    Finance and Administration Officer

  • Ross Holder

    Head of Asia/ Pacific Region

  • Paul Julien

    Head of Development

  • Bo Borthwick

    Senior Digital Officer

  • Salwa Mohamed

    Finance and Administration Officer

  • Nduko o’Matigere

    Head of Africa Region

  • Paminder Parbha

    Head of Programmes

  • Alicia Quinones

    Head of Americas Region

  • Mina Thabet

    Head of Middle East and North Africa Region

  • Portia Vanderplank-Jones

    Executive and Programmes Officer

  • Omnia Farrag Othman

    MENA Region Researcher

Manifestos and Declarations


Annual Congress

The annual PEN Congress offers an opportunity for the entire PEN community to gather and speak about our work, strategize and adopt policy positions, exchange experiences and ideas, celebrate writing in all its forms, and simply catch up with old and new friends and colleagues.

Each Congress is hosted by a PEN Centre, and is given a thematic focus, reflecting current global issues. Each congress is accompanied by Resolutions.

The 90th PEN International Congress will take place in Oxford, UK, 23–28 September 2024.

For further information please contact Sabrina Bravi, Congress and Events Officer, at sabrina.bravi@pen-international.org .


PEN International is a registered charity in England and Wales, governed by an Executive Board with representatives from across our PEN Centres. We are committed to being accountable and transparent to our members, supporters, partners and the communities we work with across the globe.

To find out more about our work, explore our strategic plan, annual reports and operation policies which are available to download below.

Respect for all languages and cultures is fundamental to the process of constructing and maintaining dialogue and peace in the world.

— The Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights