Free Maksim Znak, Gui Minhai, Galal El-Behairy, Freddy Antonio Quezada and the 12 Eritrean writers detained since 2001

They considered us totally buried.
But how can one just bury a plant?
Our greens broke persistent through bedrock, And the blue sky we finally found!

By Maksim Znak

The ugliness of this thing, war; When its spring arrives unwished-for; When its ravaging echoes knock at your door; It is then that war’s curse brews doom.

By Amanuel Asrat 

21 March 2024: Today, on World Poetry Day, PEN International launches War, Censorship, and Persecution, its Case List 2023/2024, shining a light on five persecuted writers in dire need of help:

  • Belarus: Maksim Znak. Imprisoned; held incommunicado since February 2023.

  • China: Gui Minhai. Imprisoned; currently serving a 10-year prison sentence.

  • Egypt: Galal El-Behairy. Imprisoned; held in arbitrary detention since July 2021 after serving a three-year prison sentence for his poetry.

  • Eritrea: Collective case of Eritrean writers and journalists detained without trial; held incommunicado for 22 years.

  • Nicaragua: Freddy Antonio Quezada. Detained.

Join us in demanding justice and freedom for these brave voices. #FreeTheWriters #MaksimZnak #GuiMinhai #GalalElBehairy #EritreanWriters # FreddyAntonioQuezada #WorldPoetryDay

Against 1912 nights in which I only saw the moon once, and by chance
Against every dream that dies over time and joins all my wasted dreams.

By Galal El-Behairy

Poetry produces music, because things cannot be said [...] when two words that do not know each other, the poet makes them meet with astonishment and invites them to sing with us…

By Freddy Quezada

Note to editors

To arrange a media interview, please contact Sabrina Tucci, PEN International Communications and Campaigns Manager,


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